This is wot u wrote for us mum

Created by Susan 11 years ago
Well here we are. The funeral is over and the grieving ends now. It's time to get on with our lives. In my life i was fortunate to have a loving husband and wonderful, beauiful children. Life has a habit of throwing trying at us all,but with love and support you can overcome life:s storms. My love for you, Danny and all the children is as strong in these last final weeks as it as ever been. Now my pain is over an i am gone. but i leave to you all my love and the memories we shared, to treasure for ever. Only my flesh is gone,but my spirit will always be with you and watching over you untill we are all united in another life. And always remember kids, Dad is only a phone call away and will speak for us both, so look after him for me. God Bless and good luck to you all. Love for ever.